Decide to Practice Self-Kindness by Allowing Space for Your Feelings
Something I have come to notice about myself is that my ability to focus and tune everything out can sometimes also involve me bypassing my own feelings. Giving my feelings more space has been a really powerful practice for me.
Relationships: Surround Yourself With People Who Inspire You
When you surround yourself with people who inspire you, you are supporting them by buying their books or listening to their podcasts. You are supporting someone to continue showing up in the world in a way that is benefiting you and others.
Relationships: If It’s Not a Hell Yes, It’s a No!
It's okay to say no. Actually, it's critically important to say no. When you say no to things that you should say no to, you make space to say yes to the wonderful things when they come your way.
Relationships: Practicing Inclusivity Rather Than Exclusion in Relationships by Making the Invitation
Practicing exclusion is easy. You stay in your own lane. You don't expose who you really are to others. You hide and by hiding you protect yourself to a certain degree. You protect yourself from being hurt by never really being seen.
Relationships: Teaching Children to Love Themselves By Modeling Loving Ourselves
As parents, we always want to give the best of ourselves to our children and we also get to take time to care for ourselves. If you have been struggling to show up with loving-kindness to be there for your children and still honor yourself and your needs, this blog post is a must-read.
Relationships: Your Most Important Relationship Is The One You Have With Yourself
The relationship that we oftentimes don't think about much is the relationship that we have with ourselves. It turns out that the relationship we have with ourselves impacts all of our other relationships.